From ToorCamp Wiki
Revision as of 17:46, 2 May 2024 by Deviantollam (talk | contribs) (ToorCamp's most notable genderqueer chill spot for many years running, nestled among the trees by the upper bath house.)
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Contact Deviant, Pandora, and Caróg
Description A place to relax, be accepted, and participate in small easygoing activities in an unpressured atmosphere
Projects Open Bar
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Registered on
Location for self-organized sessions No
Location 48.64284734202862 N, -122.78062313816287 E


Has gender got you feeling down? Do you wish that society would place less emphasis on chromosomes, meat suit plumbing, and markers on our official paperwork? Well then cast gender to VOID and be freed from those annoying chains and expectations! While all of ToorCamp is a welcoming place for queer and genderqueer folk of every stripe, some of us want to usher in the revolution and revolt against societally-dictated endocrine expectations and biological binaries more than most. Camp VOID **GENDER is a place explicitly welcoming and affirming to biohackers, our trans siblings, and anyone else who wishes that gender played a far smaller role in our everyday lives than it does right now. Also we generally serve free tasty drinks and offer up small activities and challenges for those who are inclined. Free swag give-aways are typically available. Bring a cup and an open mind, heart, and mouth.