Create Session: Session:Naked Walk

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This page has been deleted. The deletion, protection, and move log for the page are provided below for reference.

  • 23:40, 10 March 2020 H1kari talk contribs deleted page Session:Naked Walk (content was: "{{Session |Has session tag=nude, naked, FKK |Is for kids=No |Has description=let's walk together, shall we? |Has session type=Outside |Has session keywords=social |Is related to=Naked Camp }} {{Event |Has subtitle=Day 2 |Has start time=2019/08/22 13:30 |Has duration=30 |GUID=fece11b0-87fb-4682-b114-94e78b4fc968 }} {{Event |Has subtitle=Day 3 |Has start time=2019/08/23 13:30 |Has dur...", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))

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Basic description[edit]

Please enter a basic description for the planned Self-Organized Session. For more information about Self-Organized Sessions head to Self-Organized Sessions.

Add tags describing your session. You might want to use tags provided via autocompletion or add new tags that do not yet exist in the wiki.
Kids session is a kids session.
Check this box if the workshop is meant for kids rather than grownups.
Short description
Enter a short basic description for the Self-Organized Session. Do not use wikicode here except linebreaks and lists. For a full description, use the Free Text field.
If the Self-Organized Session has a website with additional information you like to provide, add it here. You can add multiple websites separated by comma (",").
Select the type of your Self-Organized Session from the list. This will be used for categorizing the Self-Organized Sessions within the calendar.
Select some keywords that might fit your Self-Organized Session's intents.
Select an Village processing this Self-Organized Session. This field provides autocompletion.
Organizing person
Add the person organizing the Self-Organized Session. As you are just creating it, you should probably be the one here. This field only accepts valid usernames from this wiki. You can add multiple values separated by comma (",").
Select the language one should speak to attend the Self-Organized Session.
Orga contact
Give us organizational contact information for further questions. This has to be a valid e-mail address. Please note that this e-mail address is publicly accessible even it's not shown on the Session page.
Related project
If this Self-Organized Session is related to a project presented on the Camp, you can enter the name here to link it to the project page. This field allows only existing Static:Projects.


Add times where you like to run your activities here by just pressing "Add another…". You can add multiple times if you like to split your event over multiple timeslots. A Self-Organized Session should have at least one timeslot though ;)

Optional subtitle
Add an optional subtitle here. The subtitle might be interesting if you have a Self-Organized Session that consists of multiple parts. For example: Introduction, Hands-On
Start time
Format: YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm – Provide a start time so participants know when they should show up. Please check if the timeslot is still available!!!!111 (You can use the Timetable.)
Duration in minutes
Provide the duration of the event in minutes so participants know how long it will take.
Select a location where the Self-Organized Session should take place within this timeslot. The list contains official workshop locations as well as Villages that provide space for workshops. If you like to perform a workshop at a village you are not a member of, please ask the members if it is ok in advance. If you want to use one of the village stages please get in touch with them before you enter your session on their stage.

Free text[edit]

Enter a full description of the event here. The field allows using the full mediawiki syntax for text formating.
