Kids Summer Birthday Party

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We will be celebrating all the summertime birthdays on the afternoon of Thursday July 27th. Festivities start at 1430 at Prime Dome for a ToorCamp orientation for the kids.

  1. Orientation Thursday at 1430 at the Prime Dome
  2. Intro to d33rpunk Rift game
  3. Cake and ice cream in front of the Yoga Studio after orientation around 1600
  4. Please RSVP Here


Orientation starts at 1430 at the Prime Dome on Thursday. This will be a primer for people who have not been to the camp before and an introduction to the different areas of the camp. During the orientation, we will be splitting the kids up into 3 groups to visit 3 locations where they can find quest; ToorCamp Kids Basecamp, the Great Faerie Yurt, and the Hardware Hacker Stage. They will rotate between the locations to get instructions on each place. After a full rotation, we'll all head down to the front of the yoga studio for birthday cake and ice cream.

Please RSVP Here for the birthday party.