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Support your local branch of the Interstellar Union of Pylon Engineers!

IUPE: "We will construct additional pylons."

Power Team

Power at Doe Bay Resort is limited, and while there are some circuits available in cabins and other buildings, access to power is not guaranteed unless it is already included in your campsite reservation. That being said, we'll try to make power available wherever we can. Power requests or questions go in the #space channel on Discord. Please include `Json @ PylonEng(PowerTeam)`. I'll do my best to get to requests in a reasonable amount of time.


From Discord from PowerTeam on 2024-05-05:

tl;Dr; don't count on a lot of power availability, bring whatever you can to be self sufficient.

power is definitely in sparse supply (by the standards of a bunch of tech nerds) but we'll do our best to run junction boxes to most areas. Priority is given to things like medical devices, but if you're bringing along some extension cables and power banks you'll make some friends!


The greatest effort will be made to accommodate every camps power needs. Nevertheless Toorcamp does not have an unlimited amount of power to provide. Priority will be given to camps providing services for the greater community through presentations, workshops, installations & community services. Remaining power supply will be distributed to camps for their own internal usage.

Outlets for charging personal devices will be available in workshop areas, presentation areas and other locations throughout the camp.

Requesting Power

If your camp, workshop, installation has specific power needs that you would like to be included in the pre-event planning - please consider the following questions and send in a request for a power reservation.

  • How much & what kind of power do you need? (Volts, Amps & Watts are good things to include specifics for here)
  • Is any particular connector needed?
  • What times will you need the power? (i.e. During a Workshop, Daylight Hours, Night Hours)
  • Have you considered ways to minimize your power requirements? (i.e. Batteries, Solar, Generator)
  • Do you know where you will be needing the power? (In/near a cabin, in the open camping area, reserved camping area, quiet camping area)
  • Do you have the ability to bring the power to you? (i.e. Do you have available extension cords to bring the power 50' to 100' to your needed area)