
From ToorCamp Wiki
Revision as of 13:58, 7 June 2024 by Nfiltr8 (talk | contribs)
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ToorCamp is always looking for volunteers. It requires a huge effort to get everything set up the week before ToorCamp, and there are many different areas we could use help. Here's a list of ways people can help out. We're able to help with admission costs for people who are volunteers. If you want to attend ToorCamp but aren't sure if you can afford it, please contact us and we can definitely figure out a way that you can contribute. If you have talent that is not on the list, please speak up! Also everyone is a pretty much a network engineer, so we have that very well covered. Meals will be provided for all volunteers during ToorCamp.

Becoming a Volunteer

Please email tim@toorcon.org with your contact info, the days you can help out, and what job you want to help doing (if you have any preference).