Create User: User:KerriC7991138

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You do not have permission to edit this page, for the following reasons:

  • The action you have requested is limited to users in the group: Users.
  • You must confirm your email address before editing pages. Please set and validate your email address through your user preferences.

Please read before you start to fill in the form!

  • Do not use square-brackets ( "[" or "]" ) within the form fields, as this will mess up the wiki page you are editing
  • Do not use the pipe symbol ( "|" ) within any form fields
  • There is one exception for the rules above. You can use the stated characters within the free text field at the end of the page

Tell visitors of your userpage some things about you[edit]

Note: The following fields are used to enrich your own user-page with some additional semantic information and are of course optional. So you do not need to fill any of the folliwing fields in order to use the wiki. If you decide to fill in some information, please keep in mind that information is somehow public. While user-pages are currently blocked to be accessed by persons and bots that did not sign in with a valid user-account, this might fail and all the information entered below might be visible to the whole internet and might be stored in web archives as well. So please think twice before giving away to much information.

The information entered is also available for requests via semantics queries, so the information can be easily inluded into public pages within the wiki. Those information could also be used by external apps or other services.

Basic information

Shadytel number:
Got your Shadtyel line hooked up? What's your number? If you have multiple numbers, separate them by a comma (",").
Do you own an amateur radio license? Do you have a hamradio callsign? Just enter it into this field.
Select the languages you speak out of the list. To select multiple, press and hold your Ctrl key and click the desired languages to select them.

Camp activities

The fields below allows adding camp activities to your userpage. Please see Static:Villages and Static:Sessions for more information on the topic.

Are you a member of an village or do you like to provide one? You can add names of villages here. The values are autocompleted by valid names of existing villages.
Are you working on a project you are bringing to the Camp? You can add names of projects here. The values are autocompleted by valid names of existing projects.

Online contact information

If you like, you can provide some online contact information in the following fields. If you do not like to provide any information, just leave them blank.

eMail adresses:
You can enter an email address that will be shown on your userpage here. To provide multiple addresses, separate them by a comma (",").
XMPP/Jabber adresses:
You can enter a xmpp contact address that will be shown on your userpage here. To provide multiple addresses, separete them by a comma (",").
Your Websites:
Having your own website? You can add it here to your userpage. For multiple, you can use a comma to separate them (",");.

Information about location of origin

To tell other people where you live, you can enter some information below to be shown on your userpage. If you don't like to provide any information, just leave those fields blank.

Name of the continent you live on.
Name of your home country.
Name of your home city
You can insert a comma (",") separated list of hackerspaces you are a member of here.

You can put a detailed description of yourself into this field. This field allows all mediawiki code features:

Free Text[edit]

For content to be shown on the page outside the info boxes, please use this field. The field provides full mediawiki code support as well.
