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Description Testing & developing an open source bikesharing stack. Bring your bike!
Has website
Persons working on Admin
Self-organized sessions create self-organized session
Tags bike, sharing, vehicle
Located at village Village:Open Village
Other projects... ... further results


We're planning to test and develop an open source bike (and other vehicle) sharing stack. For this, we like to test sharing with other people at the camp. If you like, come to the open village, bring your own bike to share it with all camp visitors or hack and test with us a nicer sharing solution for your space/city/group of friends/....

More information can be found in the announcement blogpost. Feel free to ping us/visit the Open Village if you have questions or ideas - or even better:

Help Wanted!

You can help us test and improve the system in many ways:

Testride the bikes

Just testing the bikes and giving us feedback helps us! Collect a bike in a few easy steps:

  • Go to and look where the nearest bike is
  • tap the Login button and log in with an account of your choice (currently supported: Github or StackOverflow, more to come, see below)
  • Go to the bike you'd like to use
  • Tap the Rent & Return button and enter the number displayed on the bike
  • You should be provided with a unlock key. Enter the key into the combination lock (if it is outfitted with one) and unlock it by sliding the two silver tabs towards the key dials
  • Ride the bike at no cost! If the bike has a lock, you may also use it outside of the cccamp area. Please be excellent and lock it up properly if you park it outside of camp
  • When you're done, release your bike again at so others can find and use it!

We are very happy if you provide us with feedback on what could be improved in further releases. We are at the bike repair tent @ Open Village and you can also reach us via Twitter or E-Mail (see

Improve the hard- and software

Hardware side A simple/preliminary option to show availability and location of bikes includes simple TTGO T-Beams with this software (github) that periodically transmits location and battery voltage via LoRaWAN/TTN.

ToDos for this software:

  • Include accelerometer (MPU9250) to only wake it up when stationary if someone actually moves the bike, currently in rollout


Bring moar bikes to rent

If you want to share your bike please enter details into the following table

Bike type Owner Comment
Folding bike (20" tires) User:Mot DECT 3434
A few old bikes User:MikeTango DECT 5859
Folding bike User:Ex DECT 3962
Folding bike User:egal DECT 3425 *
Men bike User:egal DECT 3425 *
Woman bike User:egal DECT 3425 *
Woman bike User:egal DECT 3425 *
Folding bike (20" tires) User:Moritz DECT 2556
Electric Fat Bike User:Volker DECT currently unknown
Cargo Bike (Long John) User:ligi GSM 5444(LIGI) (registered, but not yet activated)
  • Will drop bikes at Open Village on monday evening, please bring them back there to allow others to rent bikes ;-)

Hardware hacking

Hardwarehackers interested in improving the locks: User:mh (DECT 6464)