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Emotional support animals go beyond usual types of pets like dogs and cats. They can range from cute and shy cats to wild and untamed lions. Laws regulating ESAs like the American Disability Act or other similar ones have not yet placed any limitation on acquiring these wild pets as ESAs. So, if you are someone who is fascinated by unusual animals that are wild by nature, you can get one of these for emotional support purposes and see how they can make your life wonderful.

realesaletter is the most reliable and best ESA letter service in the United States. Our commitment to providing top-notch service is unwavering, and we strive to make the process of obtaining an ESA letter as smooth and stress-free as possible.

At Realesaletter.com, we understand that your emotional support animal is an important part of your life, which is why we work hard to ensure that you receive the necessary documentation to keep them by your side. With our team of experienced professionals and our streamlined process, you can trust real esa letter to deliver the highest quality ESA letter service available.

Before we get into more details on the types of wild animals that can be acquired as ESAs, I am sure all of you must be wondering how you would get the permit to acquire them. Well, the process of registering wild animals as ESAs is almost similar to the one that you follow for usual pets. All you need is the ESA letter for housing from a licensed mental health professional and you get your authorization. However, the tricky part is, you may not be able to enjoy the same privileges from the letter that usual pets do.

Don’t get too confused! I only meant that some wild ESAs cannot be housed in facilities like apartments and condos because they may pose significant threats to other individuals residing in the building. That is why, even with the letter issued by a professional, you may not be able to house your wild ESA and stay in its presence 24/7. There are a few other limitations to these animals as well but that is a discussion for another time. Right now, let’s dive into the list of wild ESAs that can make your life wonderful.

List of Wild ESAs

1. Bearded dragon

The first thing that comes to my mind when we say “wild ESAs” is bearded dragons. These days, the bearded dragon is found among the list of most acquired exotic animals ESAs because of its calming nature. You can find this wild species of animals in exclusive pet stores or reptile expos, but you could also buy them from private breeders.

Since bearded dragons are social and loving pets, they can open their hearts for their owners and offer them support and comfort while they are coping with psychological disorders or emotionally challenging states. You may not be able to play typical games with them that you can play with an ESA dog or cat, but I can assure you that they will never let you get bored in their presence. Besides, a bearded dragon is a proven effective ESA for both depression and anxiety.

2. Cockatoos

A cockatoo belongs to a class of parrots whose habitat is wild, thus making them a wild ESA. They are generally found in Australian forests, scrublands, and open country regions. This class of parrots is not as extremely expensive as they typically are priced over $500 and could go up to $1500 but their rate could vary depending on the breeder.

A cockatoo can be friendly and entertain you with its antics. Not only are they well-behaved but they are also masters of mimicking speech and doing tricks. They tend to be affectionate towards their owner as well. So be assured that you would never get bored in their presence.

If I were you, I would acquire a cockatoo as my wild ESA since they have all of the characteristics that an ESA should have. They are amusing, friendly, and easy to handle, as well as being a wild species. What else are you searching for in a wild ESA besides these characteristics?

3. Squirrels

Squirrels also make great ESAs. They provide good company to their owners who suffer from anxiety, depression, stress, PTSD, or other similar psychological distresses. Besides, they’re extremely helpful for ones who have weird phobias and are unable to overcome them.

Besides, even though squirrels belong to the wild class of animals, they can still be tamed through training. They are fast learners and are known for their intelligence as well apart from other things.

Besides, you can easily house this wild ESA even if you live in a condo or apartment-type living facility. Since they are harmless to people, facility owners do not object to their presence in the facility if you have the emotional support animal letter. So, you can enjoy their presence 24/7 and take emotional support from them whenever needed.

4. Long-tailed lizards

Just like bearded dragons, lizards belong to the reptile group and make great emotional support animals. Despite their cold-blooded demeanor, they are extremely good at building relationships with their owners and recognize their human handler in a crowd.

Besides, you would not find any difficulty in acquiring them as their efficacy in ESA therapy is quite good, so counselors easily recommend them. They are also low maintenance due to which you would not have to worry much about housing them and spending too much time and effort into taking care of them.

5. African sulcata tortoise.

The last one on the list of wild ESAs that can make your life wonderful and walk you out of your miserable state caused by psychological disorders is an African sulcata tortoise. They also belong to the reptile group and are common reptile pets for those who enjoy the company of exotic pets.

I hope you find this article helpful. For any further queries, consult are ESA experts.